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What recipes are a sure bet for a truffle novice?


Simplicity is key if you haven't cooked with truffle before. Try

  • Scrambled egg or omelette with truffle grated or shaved on top. 

  • Cut a brie in half horizontally and add fine shavings of truffle to one half then replace the other half and let sit at room temperature for 15 minute. Serve with crusty bread or crackers. 

  • Put some quality olive oil in a shallow dish and grate truffle on top. Spoon over toasted ciabatta while the toast is still warm. Add a little salt and pepper and try this with a glass of good red wine.

  • A toasted cheese and truffle sandwich.

  • Add some grated truffle to butter at room temperature. Use on good bread, baked potatoes, in potato mash.


What's the story about truffle oil?


We recommend that if you want the truffle oil experience, make your own with fresh truffle and olive oil and use immediately. Do not store your homemade truffle oil as it has the potential to grow bacteria. Almost always, pre-packaged truffle oil has had synthetic truffle aroma added and whilst this may be sufficient to get you through the non-harvest months of the year, it is in our opinion, a pale substitute for the real thing!


What should I do if my package is delayed or arrives in less than good order?


Please contact us as soon as you become aware that there is an issue. For more information, see the 'Purchase' link below.


How should I store my truffle?


Truffle are best stored refrigerated (at 2 - 4 °C) wrapped in paper towel in a lidded non-porous container, ideally glass. If you use a porous container, your refrigerator and food will absorb the aroma of truffle. The paper towel should be changed daily as it absorbs moisture.


Why is the Southern Forests Region of Western Australia, the Black Truffle capital of Australia?


At present the area defined by the Shire of Manjimup which is located in the Southern Forests region of Western Australia produces 70 percent or more of the national harvest of Black Truffle. The factors which aid truffle production in the Region include deep free draining Karri loam, a Mediterranean climate with cold winters and hot summers, sufficient quality water for summer irrigation and soils which are naturally deficient in phosphorous.


Is it true that truffles are an aphrodisiac?


Yes. No. Well, maybe. Actually there is bio-chemical evidence that it works for pigs as one of the aroma compounds in truffle is the same as that which makes boars alluring to sows. It may work better for pigs than it does for humans.


According to French writer, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755 - 1826): "The truffle is not a positive aphrodisiac, but it can upon occasion make women tenderer and men more apt to love..."






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